Asp .Net

Asp .Net

What is Asp .Net?

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites. It allows you to use a full featured programming language such as C# or VB.NET to build web applications easily.
This tutorial covers all the basic elements of ASP.NET that a beginner would require to get started.

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Asp .Net Course Eligibility


BE/Bsc Candidates

Any Graduate

Any Post-Graduate

Key features of ASP .Net Development Course

Flexible schedule

Our Flexibles Schedules allow candidates to start or finish their course when they want.

Interview Preparation

Most important step to land to a job is being prepared for the interview. Oytie provides the environment where one gets the platform to practice and improvise interview skills.

Resume Preparation

Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. That’s why it matters how you structure your resume and what information you decide to include.

Live Project Training

Live Project training is important to learn ethics, discipline and working environment of a Company.

Practice Course Material

Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning. For example, a worksheet may provide a student with important opportunities to practice a new skill gained in class.

Syllabus of Asp.Net Course

C# Programming Language

  • C#-Overview
  • C#-Expressions
  • C#-Data Types
  • C#-Variables
  • C#-Decision Statements
  • C#- Loops & iteration
  • C#-Functions & Methods
  • C#-Namespaces
  • C#- Arrays
  • C#-String functions
  • C#- Exception Handling
  • C#- Generic Collections
  • C#- Delegates and Events
  • C#- Anonymous Methods
  • C#- Null able Types
  • C#-Multithreading
  • Object Oriented In C#
  • C#-Classes and objects
  • C#-Encapsulation
  • C#-Getter & Setter
  • C#-Inheritance
  • C#-Polymorphism
  • C#-Partial Classes
  • C#-Static Variable & Static Classes
  • C#- Indexers


  • .NET Framework Overview
  • Visual Studio IDE
  • Developing Web Application
  • Directory Structure of .NET
  • Net Life Cycle
  • Net Server Controls
  • Master page in
  • Security In Asp.Net
  • Directives In Asp.Net
  • Validations In Asp.Net
  • AJAX Control In Asp.Net
  • Data Sources & Data Binding
  • Custom Controls
  • Security Features In .NET
  • Data Caching In .NET
  • Web Services In .NET
  • Deployment In .NET
  • Accessing Data in Asp. NET
  • Data Base Connectivity In Asp.NET

Services In .Net

  • Introduction to Web Services
  • Consuming a Web Service
  • Using session state in a Web Service
  • Web Method attribute properties

Asp.NET MVC Entity Framework

  • Net MVC structure
  • Roles Model, View,
  • Controllers In Asp.Net MVC
  • Action Methods & URLS in MVC
  • Creating Application in MVC
  • Razor View Engine
  • Web API In Asp.Net MVC
  • Entity Framework With MVC 6.0

Batch Schedule

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Lead Software Engineer

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.Net Developer

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Web Developer

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