Data Science

Data Science

What is Data Science?

Data science provides meaningful information based on large amounts of complex data or big data. Data science, or data-driven science, combines different fields of work in statistics and computation to interpret data for decision-making purposes.
Data is drawn from different sectors, channels, and platforms including cell phones, social media, e-commerce sites, healthcare surveys, and Internet searches. The increase in the amount of data available opened the door to a new field of study based on big data—the massive data sets that contribute to the creation of better operational tools in all sectors.

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Data Science Course Eligibility


BE/Bsc Candidates

Any Graduate

Any Post-Graduate

Key features of Data Science Course

Flexible schedule

Our Flexibles Schedules allow candidates to start or finish their course when they want.

Interview Preparation

Most important step to land to a job is being prepared for the interview. Oytie provides the environment where one gets the platform to practice and improvise interview skills.

Resume Preparation

Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. That’s why it matters how you structure your resume and what information you decide to include.

Live Project Training

Live Project training is important to learn ethics, discipline and working environment of a Company.

Practice Course Material

Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning. For example, a worksheet may provide a student with important opportunities to practice a new skill gained in class.

Syllabus of Data Science Course

Python – Data Science

  • Data Science-Overview
  • What is the Data Structure
  • Data Science Frameworks


  • Panda in Data Science
  • Panda Framework in DS
  • Panda Framework Architecture
  • Panda Installation and Setup
  • Panda Data Frames
  • Panda Series
  • Panda Statistics
  • Panda Functions
  • Panda Iteration
  • Panda Aggregate Functions
  • Python Pandas – Introduction
  • Python Pandas – Installation
  • Python Pandas – Series
  • Python Pandas – Iteration
  • Python Pandas – Sorting
  • Python Pandas SQL- GroupBy,OrderBy
  • Python Pandas – Merging/Joining

Python Pandas – Concatenation


  • NUM PY in Data Science
  • NUMPY Overview
  • NUM PY –Components
  • NUM PY ND Array
  • NUM PY Data Types
  • NUM PY with Pandas
  • NUM PY Functions
  • NUM PY Statistics
  • NUM PY Library
  • NUM PY Advance Functions
  • Basic Functions of Numpy
  • Shape,size,dtype,itemsize,data,sum
  • Min,max,empty ,arange
  • Linspace,logspace
  • Reshape,random,exp,sqrt


  • Sci PY Introduction
  • Sci PY Installation and Setup
  • Sci PY Interpolation
  • Sci PY Input and Output
  • Sci PY Cluster
  • Sci PY Algebra
  • Sci PY Transformation
  • Sci PY – Constants
  • Sci PY – Integrate
  • Sci PY – CSGraph

Sci PY Advance


  • Matplotlib Overview
  • Matplotlib – Installation
  • Types Of Plots
  • Working With Multiple Plots
  • Matplotlib – Figure Class and Axes Class
  • Matplotlib – Formatting Axes
  • Matplotlib – Bar Plot
  • Matplotlib – Pie Chart
  • Matplotlib – Scatter Plot and Contour Plot
  • Matplotlib – 3D Plot
  • Matplotlib – Working With Text


  • Introduction of R-Programming
  • Environment Setup
  • Basic Syntax
  • Variables & Constants in R-Programming
  • Operators in R-Programming
  • Conditional Statements in R-Programming
  • loops in R-Programming
  • Functions and Strings in R-Programming
  • Vectors in R-Programming
  • Matrix in R-Programming
  • Data Frame in R-Programming
  • Pie Charts in R-Programming
  • 3D Plot in R-Programming
  • Statistics in R-Programming
  • Mean, Median & Mode in R-Programming
  • Regression in R-Programming
  • Analysis of Covariance in R-Programming
  • Time Series Analysis in R-Programming
  • CSV Files in R-Programming

20.XML Files in R-Programming

Batch Schedule

Students Reviews & Testimonials

Some Happy Faces from Our Recent Batch


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Career Opportunities

Lead Software Engineer

Pune, India

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Machine Learning Engineer

Banglore, India

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Software Developer

Hyderabad, India

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UI Framework Designer

Pune, India

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UI/ UX Developer

Pune, India

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