Full-Stack Development

Full-Stack Development

Full Stack Development Course with 100% Job Placement – Oytie

What is Full Stack Development?

Full Stack Development Course is the power pack for those who want to become an IT Professional with programming and coding skills. This course includes some front end technologies like html, css , javascript and backend technologies like java, python with some additional frameworks like mean stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and NodeJS )etc. Full Stack Web Development is the perfect course to give practical exposure to your coding interest because this includes, servers and their functionalities, web development and database connectivity, algorithms and data structures etc which is helpful for industrial perspective.

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Full Stack Development Course is best ever combination to learn programming concepts all together and if you are learning it at oytie then this includes some extra benefits like,

Our Full Stack Development Course Specialities

Practical and industry oriented training with live projects

100% Job Assurance

Best course material

Real time case studies to practice

Mock interview sessions

Lifetime assistance for job

Who can do this course?


BE/Bsc Candidates

Any Graduate

Any Post-Graduate

Syllabus of Full Stack Developer Course in Pune


Front End Technologies


  • HTML-Overview
  • HTML-History
  • HTML-Versions
  • HTML-Relation with CSS & JS
  • HTML-Installation & Setup
  • HTML Page Structure
  • HTML -Elements
  • HTML-Formatting
  • HTML-Basic Tags
  • HTML-Expressions Tags
  • HTML-Style
  • HTML-Table
  • HTML-List
  • HTML-Layouts
  • HTML-Links
  • HTML-Controls
  • HTML-Forms
  • HTML-Label
  • HTML-Menu
  • HTML-TextFieled
  • HTML-DropDownList
  • HTML-CheckBox
  • HTML-RadioButton
  • HTML-TextArea


  • HTML vs HTML-5
  • HTML-5-Features
  • HTML-5-Tags
  • HTML-5-Semantic Elements
  • HTML-5-Special Tags
  • HTML-5-Layout Tags
  • HTML-5-Graphics
  • HTML-5-Canvas
  • HTML-5-Canvas
  • HTML-5-Audio Tags and
  • HTML-5-Video Tags


  • CSS-Overview
  • CSS-Setup
  • CSS-Selectors
  • CSS-Style
  • Backgrounds
  • Margin & Padding
  • Floating Elements
  • CSS-Image
  • CSS-Borders
  • CSS-Box model
  • CSS-Pseudo classes
  • CSS-Absolute
  • CSS-Relative
  • CSS-Layouts
  • CSS-Validations
  • CSS-Borders
  • CSS-Positioning Elements


  • CSS-3 Overview
  • CSS-vs CSS-3
  • CSS 2 and CSS 3
  • Advanced effects
  • CSS-3-2D and 3D Transformations
  • CSS-3-Transitions
  • CSS-3-Animations


  • Bootstrap – Overview
  • Bootstrap Container
  • Bootstrap Button
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Bootstrap Table
  • Bootstrap Form
  • Bootstrap Label
  • Bootstrap Panels
  • Bootstrap Pagination
  • Bootstrap Image
  • Bootstrap Glyphicon
  • Bootstrap Carousel
  • Bootstrap Progress Bar
  • Bootstrap List Group
  • Bootstrap Dropdown
  • Bootstrap Collapse

Java Script(Basic)

  • JavaScript-Overview
  • JavaScript-Setup & Installations
  • JavaScript-Data types and
  • JavaScript-Data structures
  • JavaScript-Control structures
  • JavaScript-if, if-else
  • JavaScript-Loops
  • JavaScript-while
  • JavaScript-for
  • JavaScript-switch case
  • JavaScript-Arrays
  • JavaScript-Strings
  • JavaScript-Objects
  • JavaScript-JSON
  • JavaScript-Form Validations
  • JavaScript-Regular Expressions


  • JavaScript-Class
  • JavaScript-Objects
  • JavaScript-Inheritance
  • JavaScript-Global and local variables
  • JavaScript-Exception Handling
  • JavaScript-Advance Forms
  • Form Elements
  • JavaScript-Get & Post
  • JavaScript-Form action


  • jQuery-Intrduction
  • jQuery-Features
  • jQuery-Installation & Setup
  • jQuery-Functions
  • jQuery-In-Built Functions
  • jQuery-DOM
  • jQuery-$() factory function
  • jQuery-Selectors
  • Query-Effects
  • jQuery-fadding Effects
  • jQuery-sliding Effects
  • jQuery-displayEffects…
  • jQuery-Traversing
  • jQuery-Form ValidationsAJAX


  • ReactJS – Overview
  • ReactJS – Installation Setup
  • ReactJS – JSX
  • ReactJS – State
  • ReactJS – Props
  • ReactJS – Components
  • ReactJS – Class Components
  • ReactJS – CSS
  • ReactJS – Integration Of Bootstrap
  • ReactJS – Component Life Cycle
  • ReactJS – Forms
  • ReactJS – Events
  • ReactJS – Refs
  • ReactJS – List & Keys
  • ReactJS – Hooks
  • ReactJS – Flux concept
  • ReactJS – Animations
  • ReactJS – Examples

Back End Technologies

Choose Any 2 Languages: –
Java / Dot Net / Python/NodeJS


Introduction of JAVA

  • JAVA –Overview.
  • JAVA –History.
  • JAVA -JVM –The heart of Java.

Language Fundamentals

  • JAVA Environment.
  • Installation & Setup.
  • JAVA Compilation & Executions.

Basic Language Fundamentals

  • Identifiers.
  • Keywords, Literals, Comments.
  • Variable initialization & passing values.
  • Primitive Data types & Operators.

Loops & Iteration

  • Needs of the loops.
  • Inner Loops Concepts.
  • While and Do while loops.
  • For and nested for loops.


  • Functions.
  • Functions Importance.
  • Basics Example of the Functions.
  • Functions & Its Parameters.

JAVA-Array and String

  • Defining an Array.
  • Initializing & Accessing Array.
  • 2d & 3d of Array.
  • Multi –Dimensional Array.
  • Arrays class Methods.

JAVA-OOPS(Object Oriented Programming Structure)

  • Class Fundamentals.
  • Object & Object reference.
  • Constructor & De Constructor.
  • Access Control, Modifiers, and methods.
  • Encapsulation & Its Properties.
  • Getter and Setter in Encapsulation.
  • Need of the Properties.
  • Benefits of Inheritance in OOP.
  • Types of Inheritance in Java.
  • Constructors in inheritance.
  • Use of “super”.
  • Polymorphism Concepts.
  • Overloading & Overriding.
  • Abstract Class & Interfaces.
  • Implementation of interfaces.
  • Example of the Object oriented.


  • What is the Packages in JAVA
  • Creating Sub Package in Package.
  • Import packages.

JAVA- Exception Handling

  • What is the Exception?
  • Handling Exception In JAVA.
  • Types of Exception.
  • Control Flow in Exceptions.
  • Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws
    in Exception Handling.
  • Multiple try with catch.
  • In‐built Exceptions.
  • User Defined Exceptions.

JAVA-GUI with Swing

  • What is the Applet?
  • Use of Applet.
  • Applet Examples.
  • What is Swing and AWT?
  • Advantages of Swing & AWT.
  • Swing class components
  • Multi-frame model in Swing

JAVA- Collections

  • What is the Collections?
  • Types of Collections.
  • Needs of the Collections.
  • List Interface Types In Collections.
  • Set Interface In Collections.
  • MAP Interface In Collections.
  • Queue Interface In Collections.
  • Examples on Collections.

Advanced Java (J2EE)


  • What is the JDBC?
  • JDBC Drivers
  • JDBC Driver for MY-SQL
  • JDBC Driver for Oracle
  • Insert Operation of JDBC
  • Select Operation of JDBC
  • Update Operation of JDBC
  • Delete Operation of JDBC

Client-Server Architecture

  • CGI Concepts
  • What is the Servlet?
  • Servlet Features
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Setup and Installation of the Servlet with Eclipse
  • Servlet API
  • Generic Servlet
  • Send Redirect Method
  • Servlet Config Interface
  • Http Servlet
  • Servlet Dispatcher
  • Servlet Context
  • Servlet Filters
  • Servlet Cookies
  • Servlet Session
  • Servlet Events

Java Server Pages (JSP)

  • What is the JSP?
  • JSP Life Cycle
  • Setup and Installation of the JSP with Eclipse
  • JSP Directives
  • JSP Actions
  • JSP Client Server Requests
  • JSP Session
  • JSP Cookie
  • JSP Forms

JSP-JSTL (Java Server Tag Library)

  • What is the JSTL?
  • JSTL Core Tags
  • JSTL Functional Tags

Frameworks in JAVA–WEB MVC Framework

  • What is the MVC?
  • Use of MVC
  • Working Functionality of the Model, View
    and Controller.

Spring Framework

  • Architecture of the Spring Framework
  • Setup and Installation of the Spring with
  • IOC Containers in Spring
  • Bean in Spring
  • Spring Life Cycle
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring JDBC Framework
  • Spring Events Handling
  • Dependency Injection in Spring
  • MVC in Spring
  • Auto Wiring in Spring

Hibernate Framework

  • Hibernate Architecture
  • What is the Hibernate?
  • Why we Used Hibernate?
  • Hibernate Mapping
  • Hibernate Configuration
  • Annotations VS Mappings
  • HQL in Hibernate
  • Session Factory In Hibernate

Dot Net

C# Programming Language

  • C#-Overview
  • C#-Expressions
  • C#-Data Types
  • C#-Variables
  • C#-Decision Statements
  • C#- Loops & iteration
  • C#-Functions & Methods
  • C#-Namespaces
  • C#- Arrays
  • C#-String functions
  • C#- Exception Handling
  • C#- Generic Collections
  • C#- Delegates and Events
  • C#- Anonymous Methods
  • C#- Null able Types
  • C#-Multithreading
  • C#- Indexers

Object Oriented In C#

  • C#-Classes and objects
  • C#-Encapsulation
  • C#-Getter & Setter
  • C#-Inheritance
  • C#-Polymorphism
  • C#-Partial Classes
  • C#-Static Variable & Static Classes


  • NET Framework Overview
  • Visual Studio IDE
  • Developing Web Application
  • Directory Structure of .NET
  • Asp.Net Life Cycle
  • Asp.Net Server Controls
  • Master page in Asp.net
  • Security In Asp.Net
  • Directives In Asp.Net
  • Validations In Asp.Net
  • AJAX Control In Asp.Net
  • Data Sources & Data Binding
  • Custom Controls
  • Security Features In .NET
  • Data Caching In .NET
  • Web Services In .NET
  • Deployment In .NET
  • Accessing Data in Asp. NET
  • Data Base Connectivity In Asp.NET

Services In .Net

  • Introduction to Web Services
  • Consuming a Web Service
  • Using session state in a Web Service
  • Web Method attribute properties

ASP.Net MVC Entity Framework

  • Asp.Net MVC structure
  • Roles Model, View,
  • Controllers In Asp.Net MVC
  • Action Methods & URLS in MVC
  • Creating Application in MVC
  • Razor View Engine
  • Web API In Asp.Net MVC
  • Entity Framework With MVC 6.0


Basic Python-MODULE
Python Overview

  • Python-History
  • Python-Version
  • Python VS Java
  • Python Characteristics

Python Installation

  • Python-Setup
  • Python with Windows
  • Python with Linux

Python Variables

  • Python Variables Declaration
  •  Python Hello World

Python Data types

  • Python Input Types
  • Python Output Types
  • Python Type Conversion

Python Operators

  • Python Assignment Operator
  • Python Logical Operator
  • Python Increment/Decrement
  • Python Arithmetic Operator
  • Python Relational Operator

Python Conditional Statement

  • Python IF-ELSE
  •  Python-Ladder IF-ELSE
  • Python Case Statement
  • Python Pass Statement

Python Loops

  • Python For
  • Python While
  • Python break and continue

Python Modules

  • Python Import
  • Python Module Internally
  • Python Module Externally
  • Python Math Module
  • Python Date Time Module
  • Python Calendar Module

Python Package

  • Python Package Types
  • Python Package Adding

Python List

  • Python List Operation
  • Python List Manipulation
  • Python Multiple List

Python Tuple

  • Python Tuple Operation
  • Python Tuple Methods
  • Python TUPLE VS LIST

Python String

  • Python String Methods
  • Python String Operations

Python Set

  • Python Set Types
  • Python Set Operation

Python Dictionary

  • Python Dictionary Creation
  • Python Dictionary Operations

Advanced Python

Python Object Oriented Programming

  • Need Of the OOPS in Python
  • Python Class & Objects
  • Python Class Properties
  • Python Object Properties
  • Python Class Methods
  • Python Constructor
  • Python Constructor Types

Python Encapsulation

  • Python Get Method
  •  Python Set Method

Python Abstraction

  • Python Abstract Class
  •  Python Interface

Python Inheritance

  • Role of the Inheritance in Python
  • Python Inheritance Types

Python Polymorphism

  • Compile Time
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • Python Overloading
  • Python Overriding

Python Input and Output

  • Python Input Methods
  • Python Output Methods

Python Multithreading

  • What is the Thread?
  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Python Thread Methods

Python Exception Handling

  • What is the Exception?
  • Handle Error
  •  Try with except
  • Multiple try and except
  • User Define Exception


NodeJS Syllabus

  • NodeJS – Overview
  • NodeJS – Basics
  • NodeJS – Installation Setup
  • NodeJS – Models
  • NodeJS – Node Package Management
  • NodeJS – File System

  • NodeJS – Rest/API
  • NodeJS – Examples
  • NodeJS – Projects

Database – SQL/Oracle/MongoDB

Database Creation to Queries

  • Database Creation
  •  Alter(Delete/Drop) Database Table
  •  Alter(Delete/Drop)Table
  • Insert Query
  • Select Query
  • Where Clause
  • AND & OR Clauses
  • Update Query
  • Delete Query
  • Like Clause
  • Top Clause
  • Order By and Group By

Advanced SQL

  • Distinct Keyword
  • Constraints
  • Joins and Its Types
  • Union Clause
  • Indexes
  • Views
  • Where and Having Clause
  • SQL Transactions
  • Date Functions
  • Sub Queries
  • SQL Injection

CLOUD Computing – Amazon Web Services(AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Cloud Computing Types
  • How Cloud Works?
  • Cloud Provider
  • AWS – Overview
  • AWS – Regions And Zones
  • AWS – Resources
  • AWS – Prices
  • AWS – Architecture


  • AWS – EC2
  • AWS – Instance Types
  • AWS – IAM
  • AWS – IAM Users
  •  AWS – IAM Types
  • AWS – IAM Lifecycle
  • AWS – IAM Integration
  • AWS – EBS
  • AWS – Autoscaling
  • AWS – S3 Bucket

DevOps Tools

Git Hub

  • Overview of Git & GitHub
  • Installation of Git & GitHub
  • Git Version Control
  • Create Git Repository
  • Git Branches/ Commits
  • Push/Pull Branches in GitHub
  • Sample Projects


  • Docker – Overview
  • Docker – Container
  • Docker – Virtual Machines
  • Docker – Engine
  • Docker – Architecture
  • Docker – Client
  • Docker – Storage
  • Docker – Networking
  • Docker – Installation
  • Docker – Installation Docker in Windows
  • Docker – Container and Image
  • Docker – Implementation Example

Testing Tools


  • Selenium – Overview
  • Selenium – Overview of Selenium IDE
  • Selenium – IDE Installation
  • Selenium – Commands
  • Selenium – Webdriver
  • Selenium – Webdriver Commands
  • Selenium – Assertions


  • Jira – Overview
  • Jira – Installation
  • Jira – Model
  • Jira – Dashboard
  • Jira – Workflow
  • Jira – Bug Lifecycle
  • Jira – Epic

API – WebAPI / RestAPI

  • WebAPI – Overview
  • WebAPI – Architecture
  • What is RestAPI
  • WebAPI – Routing
  • RestAPI Concept
  • Sample Example of WebAPI Integration

Download Brochure for Full Stack Development Course in Pune.

What after completion of Full Stack Development Course in Pune?

As We gives you a knowledge of all technologies and programming languages then, its totally our responsibility to give you a job with that knowledge. So, If you are all set to give interviews for the placement calls then we will provide you 100% placement calls until you get placed. But, for that you must have to be prepared with all technical concepts which are really important while you are going for an interview. As far as calls concern we can assured you to give best calls from our end.

Career Opportunities for Full Stack Developer profile,

Full Stack Developer Job Profiles

Average Fresher’s Salary of Full Stack Developer in India

3 LPA – 10 LPA

Batch Schedule

So, What’s the next step to start the course?

Enroll for our Full Stack Developement course in pune and Make Your Future Bright!

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Career Opportunities

Lead Software Engineer

PAN, India

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Angular Developer

Bangalore, India

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Web Developer

Pune, India

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UI Framework Designer

Delhi, India

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UI Developer

Nagpur, India

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